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Re: Yet another new Alliance

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:36 am
by xoriat
Ok if narrow minded means that i let people(Liam) say what they want for themselves im really confused then. Please tell me what planet you come from.
I fail to see the problem? Really? Hmm i see it clearly, i think the wolfish side has got the best of you, maybe its the full moon.
You preach about how this is a thread is to recruit people then you go explode and make your self look like an over analyzing azz munch who thinks he knows people from the 15 things they have posted in one thread. I think humanity is a little more complex than that so why dont you just sit this one out, grab your inhaler before you sieze up, and sit this next one out.
I wouldnt be posting this if you hadn't insulted my intelligence by assuming you know who i am.
You know what i get out of this whole entire rant you just provided? Your smart, but also paranoid, very paranoid. Are you Jealous of Despot because he not only is strong but has a brain? Are you mad at me because i would rather let someone be themselves instead of me doing it for them?
All you had to say is, hey guys please try to keep your guild chat to yourselves. I would think that it would be a good thing if the leading alliance recognized yours, it says something, but i susposse you have been all to busy brooding on things like i bet so and so thinks this, and so and so is an azz because of this. If you got such a problem with being threatened say it once and then ignore it.
*yawns* But i do agree with you on 1 part, i do grow tired of this conversation too because, but probably for the reason stated above.... Not because im a self assuming know it all

Re: Yet another new Alliance

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:34 am
by wolfprophet
Xoriat. You left out one thing. Why does, or why should your opinion matter to me? And jealous of Despot? Not even close. Mind you, he is intelligent. Very intelligent. I respect that very much, but I do not envy. I'm assisting in running a campaign, I have to be intelligent. If not, we don't win. Next. I call you narrow minded and insult your intelligence because of several reasons.

1. I have no problem with freedom of speech until it's being abused. It was being abused.
2. You don't realize, or understand that it was being abused.
3. This thread was meant to go up and that was it.
4. Someone had to go shooting their mouth off and I stood up against it because I don't sit there and take shit from people. I took shit from the time I was in kindergarten to the time I was in middle school(That's 8 years of being a verbal and occasionally, physical, punching bag.) Then Freshman year of high school I busted the senior varsity football team QB's nose so hard that he wheezes when he breaths through his nose now. Unless he got it surgically fixed sometime in the last three years that is. That was when I stopped taking shit from people and started dishing it out in well deserved helpings to people who caused me major inconvenience or social discomfort.
5. I never insulted your intelligence. You took it that way because you misread. I have insufficient evidence to fully judge your level intellect, though I can safely say you have the wonderful ability to misinterpret things. I don't blame you for that though, I know how we Americans can be. It's part of how the vast majority of us are raised thanks to the media.

Now then, continuing on with this series of statements. I do not take threats lightly(Poke me with a pin, I'm likely to smash you over the head with the side of a hammer rather than the front or the claw, set your house on fire and then have forced relations with your mum on the smoldering ruin of your home just for added insult and while I'm at it, tape the whole thing and post it on the internet in a series of edited together, time lapsed footage.) I do not joke much and when I do, it's because I'm in a good mood(And I'm damn funny when I'm in a good mood.) I am, despite the angry tone of this short story (Don't worry, the sequel will be a Novella entitled "Wolfprophet : He's f'ing nuts and we all know it." ), in a good mood right now(My girlfriend isn't pregnant after all. Who wouldn't be happy about that? Birth control pills with 99% effectiveness ftw! Besides, I'm evil enough. Imagine how my kids will turn out.) I am not entirely paranoid, mind you, I am paranoid to a degree(Liberal Democrats and Socialists are destroying our country Xoriat....I swear it to you. Arm up now with both facts and plenty of ammo). I am careful( Have not broken any glass in several years.) I am exacting(Only when money is involved. Lol.) I am precise(Only on a gun range or again, when money is involved.) I am temperamental, yet calm(Short fuse, but it's made of fire safe material so you need to keep lighting it if you want the bomb to go off.) Crazy, yet perfectly sane(Objection. This statement is an utter lie.) I am water and ice(Born in the winter you know. It was -21 degrees that day, or so I'm told.)

Most of all, I am very judgmental, but not without proper cause though. Without proper cause for being judgmental one is just a bigot, a racist or any other of those various assorted terms pertaining to uneducated judgments on various races, creeds, ethnicities, ideologies, etc etc.(I hate only two types of people in this world. Racists and the French.) I did not judge anyone here based on the posts they made just on this thread. I judged all of you based on what you have said throughout a majority of the forum. And sad to say Xoriat, but I judge you as still missing the point entirely, though I'm sure by the time you're done reading this, you'll probably have a substantially better understanding of what I'm thinking on this whole matter.(And I hope you got a good laugh out of my commentaries in parenthesis. Though seriously. Liberal Democrats and Socialists are destroying America. Read all you can find from every point of view, educate yourself. Form your own opinion instead of taking my word for it.)

Oh, and by the way.... The Moon isn't full tonight. I should know, I wasn't howling at it. It'll be full on Wednesday though. Listen for me. My voice travels quite a distance, but that's only because I bounce it off a series of Parabolic dishes fed with the sound of my voice booming from 300 Marshal brand amps and oh damn, this isn't that funny anymore. Time to hit the Submit button, but only to make my message Submit though. As for me personally, I'm still quite wild and delightfully mad.

Re: Yet another new Alliance

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:44 am
by Despot
Here's the thing. On a forum, all we have to represent ourselves with are our words. Thoughts are formed in words, and it is our usage of that vocabulary that is our sole method of being a part of the reality that is this forum. This is why it is important to take a moment to choose one's words with care. If you are not happy to stand behind your words, and be judged on them, choose a different word. Or take Twain's advice.

I went through pretty much the same thing at school. People fear that which is different and which they do not understand. Many feel threatened by a mind they cannot comprehend, and react in fear, belittling and attacking that which they cannot have. If they cannot be better than you, they will settle for making you believe you are less than them.

Re: Yet another new Alliance

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:30 pm
by xoriat
Wolf i do realize what you see as a problem, i just do see why it is one. I dont know if its just me but i find it not even worth hitting back the people who threaten me, im a reallllllllllllly laid back person. I just ignore it because i dont find returning smack talk with smack talk a means to an end. Thats the problem with freedom of speech though isnt it? You cant deny on person the rights to speech because you find they are abusing it. Only because they may have the same opinion of you. Guess you just got to take the good with the bad i guess huh?
I do agree with you though about Liberal democrats and such. That is a reason as to why i am the way i am. Although both sides seem to be very good at throwing fresh bull sh1t at eachother everyday. And they always word their responses to previous things they have said into yet another web of bull. Thats why i just ignore them completely, i dont vote because both sides make promises that they never fulfill. And i dont agree with the war that we are in because we wouldnt have on if we werent addicted to oil, and we wouldnt have them so mad at us if we didnt go tanking through their holy land. And this is my fear that everyone who is from another country is going to think that i am one of those war happy americans. The problem with America now days is that everybody can be right even though everybody can be wrong at the same time, and if you try to disagree with that in America someone will sue you for several million dollars.
You are very right i may have misinterpreted your posts a bit, i am man enough to admit that (dont let anger control your judgement luke...starwars) Whoops maybe i am a little war happy when it comes to words sometimes huh?
The reason i took such offense to your speech is because when you put my name down in a sentence, and then write what you think what im thinking or would be writing i find that seriously offensive. I can talk for myself just fine, i dont need others to do it for me. :lol: , even if i make a fool of myself..............Yes i found your last post to be very funny

Re: Yet another new Alliance

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:59 pm
by wolfprophet
Well, admittedly, I am a war happy American. I thrive off the subject. But, I focus more on how to fight it rather than why to fight. Why is not a question one should ask after the fact. Why is a question you ask after conflict. How to fight it is a question for the present. And I honestly feel that if I was in charge of the Iraq war rather than General 'Yes Mr. Bush, as you say" Petraeus... we'd be done with it long ago. That is how confident I am in my skills and knowledge of conflicts and human beings in general. I've also studied up on Islamic culture quite a bit. I even correct people on misconceptions when I have the opportunity. Also, regarding both political parties spewing crap everywhere...Yeah, that's pretty much true. I'm a conservative....VERY conservative. But...I'm a Libertarian. Not a Republicrat.(Yes. There is now only one word for them because they say the same things, but never do them anyways.)

Going back to the war statements though. I'd like to share with you information provided to me by an Airforce officer in charge of a hazmat unit and a friend of mine who went in with the second wave of army troops following the Marine Expeditionary Units that blitzed across the borders. They found store houses of chemical and biological agents. These weren't left over from the campaign against the kurds. These were fresh. They had manufacturing dates stamped on them. The last batch was just a month before the invasion. They also found roughly 500 scud missiles loaded with biological agent at several more sites. One report says some of the bio agent was anthrax. But, to weaponize anthrax you'd need as much money in that program per year equal to Bill Gate's net worth. So it seems more likely it was what another report from another site found. Mustard agent. A slightly more potent form than what was used on kurds and overall vastly more potent than what was used in WWI. Now then... These are classified as WMDs. Though, the media was looking for nukes and nuclear material. So they never reported on the discovery of these materials. A few may have written stories here and there...and some other crackpots may have written their horror story versions. But there is definitive proof of Bio and chem weapons.

That however was not the reason for invasion. It was as you said, just for oil. Honestly though, that proves the previous leader's stupidity. He should have invaded Venezuela. They have more oil and they hate us just as much as Iraq did. From what I've been hearing though, the news does a really really terrible job of reporting the war. I talk to a lot of veterans and they all say that really significant progress is being made. As it stands the majority of people who really hate us in Iraq are the foreign fighters sneaking into the country from all around the world to help Al Qaida. They pull passports off dead insurgents all the time now and find that they come from everywhere. A friend of mine in the Marines who was in charge of collecting the data on these things found insurgents coming from Britain, France, Germany, Canada, The U.S., Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine and generally all over eastern Europe and along the Mediterranean . Some were even Sudanese and Egyptian. The highest numbers of foreign fighters they found were coming from Western Europe and North Africa, and many of them had weapons with Iranian military arsenal serial numbers engraved in them.