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a game suggestion.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:15 pm
by shaddam_v
a game suggestion.

i think there should be a rate of fire inplanted in the game.
if you think about it, a plasma turret is stronger than a gauss turret. but as the discription says, witht he plasma turret you see a beutiful ball of light approaching you, while the heavy slug of a gauss turret takes only a few seconds to get from turret to target. this should change defensive warfare just a little bid, but it adds in my opinion more fun.

the rocket launcher is as weak as hell, but if it got a fast rate of fire, it could do some serious damage to smaller targets.
the plasma gun is very strong, but slow, thus making it hitting large ships easier.
the ion cannon could be a balanced turret. while it is weak in firepower, it can practicly fire 1 ion sphere after the other.

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:43 pm
by unit43
And there is this thing called rf...

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:23 am
by shaddam_v
im sorry, i thought i said rate of fire, not rapid fire. rapid fire means fast fireing. rate of fire is how fast your able to shoot.

rapid fire is limited to a weaker ship, where another ship gets a bonus against it.

rate of fire is how fast a ship is able to fire. thus a destroyer could be having a slow RoF, but do massage damage against whatever type of ship.

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:37 pm
by Curious_1
I'm all for the idea :!:

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:40 am
by divkeays
why would you do this rapid fire is rate of fire its basically the same

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:49 am
by unit43
How many times a ship can hit a certain type of ship in one turn. How who you implement this into combat? Don't just say "rate of fire" and stop. Tell everyone exactly how you would implement it into the game, what it would do, ect.

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:35 pm
by shaddam_v
hmm, gets kinda tricky to explain that. well, a battleship fighting a fighter for example. the battleship has got a low rate of fire, but do alot of damage. but its weapons could be unable to lock onto the fighter, and thus miss it all the time. while the fighter could have a high rate of fire, and is strong against other fighters and fast ships. but its unable to punch through a battleships's shield. here comes the rate of fire. its able to fire so fast, that it is actually able to hurt the battleship, while the battleship is only able to fire like 3 shots a round, the fighter could fire 10 short a round. and so every ship has got a standard rate of fire, with the death star having the slowest RoF, and fighter the fastest.

not rapid fire, so its only able to fire multiple times against a set of lesser ships.

you could see it like this.

Damage points x (1 + skill level x 0.1 ) x rate of fire = total damage per round.
1000 x 1.7 *skill level 7* = 1700 x rate of fire *3* = 5100 total damage per round.

now you could set a limit to how effective its weapons actually are against certain types of ships. as i mentioned, it could do lesser damage against fighters, but more damage against destroyers, but the rate of fire counts to all ships. so in here im actually replacing rapid fire by rate of fire.

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:44 pm
by shaddam_v
rapid fire only counts for a few ships against a few ships, rate of fire counts for every ship.

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by Tyrant
What is the point?

Are you suggesting changing the attack power of certain ships by modifying their rate of fire?

Changing the "Rate of Fire" would unbalance all the war ships. There is a reason Light Fighters are the cheapest fighters available. Making them more powerful would only make sense for someone who has stocked up on them.

Re: a game suggestion.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:46 am
by unit43
Ya, Im also gonna have to say no on this one...