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The Kitteh is here!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:49 am
by kitteh
Hello world. From what I can tell this game is kinda sorta a tiny bit... dead. But not entirely; there's a bit of life left, and perhaps there's still a speck of hope for some fun to be had around here. I'm just saying hello, I'm a noob. I accept donations. Yes I'm that person. I'm also that poor at this point, so I'm willing to take what I can get, probably nothing, I understand. That's cool. If you're a person who exists and is reading this say hi maybe, chat me up if you're ever bored, and let's get things moving around here! :D
Okay that's enough enthusiasm for one day. Ari. Out.

Re: The Kitteh is here!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:46 am
by fusion
Ari, Ari, Ari.... You should stay at home ;) Coming onto Serios grounds is crazy!!!

Good luck, and if you pm me in game (Grizzly) I will send a little bit to help out.