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Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:56 am
by divkeays
please contribute if you know something i don't
1 - a moon can only be made through combat or the use of serios rubies
2 - the max amount of probability of making a moon is 20%
3 - moons do not make resources you have to ship it so instead of choosing the planet as the destination choose the moon
4 - you need to build a lunar base to make fields for buildings
5 - you cannot have two moons on the same planet
6 - moons are the only thing that can build lunar bases,jump gates & sensor phalanx
7 - you cannot build a terraformer or a nanite factory on a moon but you can build a shipyard,robot factory,metal storage,crystal storage & deuterium tanks though they are useless because the moon makes no resources at all

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:25 am
by Despot
Shipyards and robot factories are not totally useless. The shipyard can build ships and defences. You will get to a point where all your planetary shipyards are queued, and so an extra production centre is always handy for rapid rebuilds / fleet expansions.

The chance of forming a moon applies only to debris generating in a single battle. You get 1% chance for every 100k debris created in orbit. So getting 100k from one battle gives you a 1% chance. Leaving it there and getting another 100k would not get you a 2% chance, just the 1% for the new debris.

Deuterium does NOT generate debris, so only the metal / crystal used in building ships generates DF. Currently this is 60% of resources used to build, so a Battleship costing 45k / 15k would leave behind 27k / 9k = 36k total - so killing 3 in orbit gives you 108k, for a 1% chance of a moon.

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:28 am
by Devil3030
So after the combat. Dose the DF make the moon or do you need some kind of factory

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:08 pm
by Despot
It forms automatically. You will then need to ship resources to it for building a lunar base. This will in turn allow you to place other buildings there. Each level of lunar base gives you about 3 fields.

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:01 pm
by Devil3030
I still dont understand how to build am moon. I do now that yu need a DF to build it but what how much DF do you need.

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:07 pm
by Despot
As stated above, every time there is a battle creating over 100k of debris, there is a chance for a moon to form. For every 100k there is a 1% chance, to a maximum 20% for each battle creating a debris field of 2 million or over.

And no, you can't have more than one moon on a single planet.

If the random chance proves successful, the moon will automatically form. This does not consume the debris, that can still be collected as normal.

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:12 pm
by Devil3030
So i just wait and see

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:26 pm
by Despot
You could do what is known as a moon shot. This is an arrangement with another player to attack each other's planets with fleets of harmless ships, such as cargo vessels. These are then destroyed by the planetary defences, generating a DF to give a chance of a moon. In order to keep things fair, you must send equal fleets at each other, so that neither player gains more resources than the other from the DF, otherwise it could be classed as pushing / pulling (see rules section).

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:31 pm
by Devil3030
Will you help me make a moon. You not have to help

Re: Everything you need to know about a moon

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:34 pm
by Despot
I doubt you are within my attack range. I can only attack players over 10k points. Besides which, it would be foolish of me to help create a moon for someone that is not part of my alliance. I am more likely to destroy a non-aligned moon than deliberately create one.

Having said that, I have created about 6 so far by attacking players, although I have since destroyed 2 of those.

You never know, you might be lucky enough to see one of my raiding fleets one day :)