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ALPHA [TDA] et al. vs IAN [S.F] TD 71.520.972.850

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:56 pm
by Homo_astro
ACS ATTACK: ALPHA [TDA], ash [TDA], and Homo_astro [Do!] vs IAN [S.F]

IAN went inactive, so ALPHA, ash and myself decided to take advantage of the situation. But...Ranger was ACS Defending IAN and we could not defeat the combined fleet. We then had the realization that Ranger's fleet was vulnerable because we could attack Ranger's fleet in isolation from IAN's by attacking the moon, since IAN's fleet was on the planet. Unfortunately Ranger withdrew and went into vmode before we could organize an ACS attack on him. Subsequently I probed the moon and saw there was still an ACS defending fleet there and realized that there had actually been TWO fleets ACS defending, the other smaller remaining fleet I am sure was DerryanneKing's, which I crashed separately before the following attack. Anyway, with Ranger's fleet out of the way we were then able to take on IAN's.

The following fleets faced Tue, 11 Feb 2014 19:02:00 +0000 :

Attacker ALPHA [x:xxx:xx]
Type ...L. Cargo L. Fighter H. Fighter B.ship E. Probe Bomber Destroyer RIP... Battlecruiser L.Guardian
Number 555 .....28.076 .....1 .........18.377 ...1.172 1.536 ..90 ........7.543 .8.371 ........575

Attacker Homo_astro [x:xxx:xx]
Type ..S. Cargo L. Cargo L. Fighter H. Fighter B.ship Colony Ship E. Probe ..RIP ....L.Guardian
Number 7.002 ..2 .........1.001 .....1 ...........60 .....2 ............24.910 ..5.000 ..1.329

Attacker ash [x:xxx:xx]
Type ....E. Probe Bomber Destroyer RIP
Number 35.000 ...25 .....21 .........5.650

Defender IAN [x:xx:xx]
L. Cargo B.ship Colony Ship Recycler E. Probe Sats ....RIP ..BC ......EC..RLs....... HLs ......GCs ...IC .......Plasma Cannon
11.326 ..1.768 .269 .........225.036 120.880 .35.547 7.000 50.339 210 1.525.721 319.901 42.634 281.210 18.063

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 32023066 units of Metal, 13159697 units of Crystal and 63708878 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 20.300.533.700 units.
The defender has lost a total of 71.520.972.850 units.
A debris field containing 31.655.283.930 units of Metal and 16.784.787.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

All DF collected by the three attackers.

I don't know what happened to IAN, but I hope all is well in RL. GLOTR.