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Ady Gil

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:41 pm
by Kamdot
2 Million Dollars - One year to build - sailed for four years. The Ady Gil was an anti whaling vessel to fight against Japans whale ships. Japan says they have the rights to kill whales for research. No maritime rules broken when the Japan harpoon ship smashed into the beautiful Ady Gil, most likely due to the fact that Japan claims herrasment was pointed towards them by the Ady Gil and the Sea Shepherd ship.

The Sea Shepherd ship, also has come to the rescue of the gulf oil leak.

I love the style of the Ady Gil and was just wondering what everyone else thinks of this awsome boat.

Re: Ady Gil

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:29 pm
by Gator
I think that the captain and crew screwed up, they were in the middle of hostile ships, came to a complete stop and started resting BEFORE they got clear of the commotion. Had they stayed alert, and rested when the job was DONE, they and the ship would be fine. Sure the Japs crashed it, I would have too if I were in their shoes, it only makes sense. They should have known better and not rested until they were free and clear of the danger. This is a classic example of getting a big head and celebrating before the victory was final.

The ship WAS pretty cool looking. I don't know they specs on it though so I can't give a good assessment of how well it was going to work in that role (as a anti-whaling vessel).

I think that the anti-whaling group is doing the right thing, I don't think that they will succeed in their endeavors. They need to get the cameras off the ship and do things a little bit more brutally. Damn the "international maritime laws", get a old sub from the Chinese and put a torpedo through a few hulls. THAT might stop them. They might go to jail for a while, but hey, is it worth it to them?

Re: Ady Gil

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:05 pm
by Kamdot
Yeah they shouls have refueled some of it even if they couldn't fill it. In my mind if it was the fastest ship, what the heck would an 15-30 minutes to refuel realy hurt. Sure the japs would have gone off radar but with the speed of the gil I'm sure they still would have found the factory ship again.

I hear there was a fund raiser within hours of the sinking though. Story goes, the real man behind the Ady Gil is actually named Ady Gil and he is an entertainment industry executive. He said within minutes of the sinking he raised $750,000 to go towards a better faster Ady Gil 2.

You know what else I heard, the real Bob Barker from the game show, originally donated $5 million towards the efforts to stop the japs.

Maybe if they build a Gil 2 they will equip it so the Bob Barker or the other ship can bring it on board to fuel it, now that would be cool and help to keep pace with the japs!

Re: Ady Gil

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:47 pm
by Gator
They didn't refuel it, no problem... I totally agree with their idea to pass them by and leave them for the Sea Sheppard to refuel them. At that point the Ady Gil had already slowed the factory ship by fouling the props on their second attempt. So the Bob Barker would have been able to keep up with them. Besides, it would have taken 4 hours to refuel the Gil and that is IF the Jap's 4 harpoon ships let them do it in peace. I can see it now... "Hold on guys while we refuel the boat that just fouled your flagships prop, now don't bother us, this is a delicate procedure." There is NO way they would have found the factory ship after that.

My problem is that after they fouled the prop, they just came to a stop and celebrated while the entire Jap whale fleet was passing them by (pissed off). They should have finished the mission, moved the boat and crew to a safer place, THEN celebrated and rested.

If I was the Jap steering the ship, I would have done the exact same thing! If I was the Ady Gil Captain, I would have survived and fought again the next day.

Re: Ady Gil

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:45 am
by Kamdot
I just found out why they didnt refuel just after taking out the props. I guess there is a section of the arctic ocean that has a ban against refueling within a certain zone, and I guess they where within that zone. I read where they wanted to coast out of the zone to have to sheppard refuel. So, looks like they couldnt have been refueled by the bob barker anyway.

Sure is a game of cat and mouse, or should I say Battle for Serios !!! ;)